With the Digital Crypto Art app, you can learn how to complete quests, contact authors, or order a quest
Real money in cryptocurrency is hidden behind each quest. Solve it first and get a precious treasure!
All you need to solve this is a Qr code scanner application and the internet. Through the application, go to the Telegram channel DCA (@digital_crypto_art) and scan the code, the application contains instructions for beginners, what and how to do, as well as how to get the treasure!
Real money in cryptocurrency is hidden behind each quest. Solve it first and get a precious treasure!
All you need to solve this is a Qr code scanner application and the internet. Through the application, go to the Telegram channel DCA (@digital_crypto_art) and scan the code, the application contains instructions for beginners, what and how to do, as well as how to get the treasure!
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