Ever heard of Bigfoot, Ice Monster or Yeti, as they call him? Yes? So you should read our mystical story about this creature. Not? Find out about him right now. Do you like mysterious and unusual? Then come to us! In our game "Yeti" you will find everything you need. Feel like a discoverer, follow the footsteps of the Yeti and look into the eyes of the Ice Monster. What secrets does he keep in his lair? Are you sure you are ready to find out the secrets of Bigfoot?
Our game was created in the format of two friends' correspondence. You will play on behalf of a funny guy Alex, who communicates with his friend Lily. He is the first to learn from her about Bigfoot and his secrets. An unforgettable adventure awaits for Alex and Lily, but can the girl return from the Yeti cave alive? Will she save those who are really dear to her? You will only know about this when you read this story. You should definitely do it! You can not only read an interesting story about the Yeti, but also take part in it, choosing during a conversation such phrases that you like.
Here you will find not only a fascinating plot and the opportunity to change it, but also beautiful backgrounds-landscapes corresponding to the plot.
I hope you still won't be intimidated by the Ice Monster. Take the risk of meeting the Yeti! Good luck!
Our game was created in the format of two friends' correspondence. You will play on behalf of a funny guy Alex, who communicates with his friend Lily. He is the first to learn from her about Bigfoot and his secrets. An unforgettable adventure awaits for Alex and Lily, but can the girl return from the Yeti cave alive? Will she save those who are really dear to her? You will only know about this when you read this story. You should definitely do it! You can not only read an interesting story about the Yeti, but also take part in it, choosing during a conversation such phrases that you like.
Here you will find not only a fascinating plot and the opportunity to change it, but also beautiful backgrounds-landscapes corresponding to the plot.
I hope you still won't be intimidated by the Ice Monster. Take the risk of meeting the Yeti! Good luck!
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