Welcome to the 10 scariest nights of your life. Now you will find yourself in the egg trap. This creepy monster will lock you in a strange room. First, take a look around and immediately feel the goose bumps run down your skin. You will be surrounded by strange pictures and scary inscriptions. The inscription "you will die here", then "you came to see your death", then "welcome to Hell" and many others. Also in the game there are many Easter eggs and creepy screamers. Horror, and nothing more. The game features 6 characters and over 10 nights. The difficulty of each night increases at a rapid rate. You can learn how to play by going through the first night, as it is the easiest. To survive, you need to stick to certain tactics and play fast. Also in the game there are additional nights (for the most tenacious) and many Easter eggs, which can be anywhere. The menu is the quietest place in the game. We tried to make TNWE diversified. We would also like you to tell other people about our game. This way we will understand that you like the game and will involve more employees in its development in order to release updates more often and better. And remember, TNWE is a place where fear and horror roam.
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