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Jawahirul Kalamiyah Makna Jawa

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About Jawahirul Kalamiyah Makna Jawa

This Android application is an explanation of the Javanese Meaning of the Book of Jawahirul Kalamiyah by Syaikh Thahir Bin Muhammad Salih Al-Jazairy. In Pdf format.

This book is a book that discusses the basic science of monotheism based on Ahlu Sunnah wal Jama'ah.

The author's full name is Syaikh Thahir bin Muhammad bin Shalih bin Ahmad bin Mauhub al-Sam'any al-Jazairy al-Dimasyqiy.

His father was a faqih of the Maliki school of thought and a mufti in Syria. In 1263 H. his father moved from Algeria to Damascus.

Shaykh Thahir was born in Syria in 1268 AH, which corresponds to 1852 AD. He died in the month of Rabi'ul Awwal in 1338 AH, which corresponds to 1920 AD. He studied at Madrasah al-Jaqmikiyah and graduated with Ustad Abdurrahman al-Bustany. Then he continued his education studying with Shaykh Abdul Ghani al-Ghonimy al-Maidany (1222-1298 H). He really likes studying various scientific disciplines, including Physics, Mathematics in addition to being serious about studying Arabic language sciences and Islamic sciences.

When he was 30 years old, he had mastered Arabic, Persian, Turkish and French. He actively searched for and studied ancient manuscripts, for this reason he helped establish the Dar al-Kutub al-Dzahiriyah library in Damascus and the al-Khalidiyah library in Jerusalem.

His famous students include:

1. Shaykh Jamaluddin al-Qasimy

2. Shaykh Abdul Razzaq al-Baithar

3. Shaykh Salim al-Bukhariy

4. Shaykh Muhammad Kurdiy Ali

5. Shaykh Muhibudin al-Khathibiy

6. Shaykh Muhammad Said al-Baniy

Shaykh Sai'd al-Bany said, "He (Shaykh Thahir) called on the apostates to return to Islam, in accordance with the teachings of Rasulullah SAW on the manhaj salafusshalih. He hates the attitude of jumud (static) and taqlid in religion, he also rejects every attitude that inhibits and exaggerates as well as the attitude of making things up (bid'ah) in religion. He recommends taking useful things from contemporary civilization and rejecting things that bring harm. He combines argumentaqli and naqli, he takes the essence of every science and refuses to be textual so that he becomes a person who has knowledge in the fields of religion, civilization, mathematics, physics, politics, language, history, archeology, sociology, psychology, journalism and poetry. . So it is known as an encyclopedia, a key to various fields of science and a world dictionary."

His works:

Shaikh Thahir al-Jazairy has written more than 20 book titles, including:

1. Al-Jawahir al-Kalamiyah fi idhah al-‘aqidah al-Islamiyah

2. Tanbih al-Adzkiya' fi qishash al-Anbiya'

3. Al-Tibyan li ba'dhi mabahits al-muta'allaqot bi al-Qur'an

4. Taujih al-nazhari ila 'ilm al-atsar

5. Al-Tafsir al-Kabir (consists of 4 volumes and is stored in the al-Zhahiriyah library).

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