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Kitab Makarimul Akhlaq

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About Kitab Makarimul Akhlaq

This Android application is an explanation of the Makarimul Akhlaq Book by Abu Bakar Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Ubaid Ibn Abi Ad-Dunya. In PDF format.

Makarimul Akhlaq is a book written by Abu Bakar Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Ubaid Ibn Abi ad-Dunya who is known as a teacher and educator who maintains noble ethics. The figure who was born in Baghdad in 210 H lived during the reign of the Abbasid dynasty which was quite heterogeneous, especially in terms of ideology of thought.

This book contains the hadiths of the Prophet which discuss the noble character which is the mission of the Prophet sent to earth, namely "Innama Buitstukum Li Utammima Makarim Makarimal Akhlak". The discussion includes adab and the characteristics of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, ethics in prayer and behavior, daily manners, morals in social and life life and other discussions.

Makarim Al-Akhlaq Book, a collection of hadiths about noble morals, which is one of the main missions of the great Prophet Muhammad SAW, as he has conveyed in one of the hadiths which reads "إنما بعثت لاتمم مكارم الاخلاق" which means "I was sent solely eyes to perfect noble morals.

Contents of the Book: Collection of the Prophet's Hadith About Noble Morals

Mushannif :

1. Al Hafidz Al Imam Abu Bakr, Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Ubaid Ibn Abi Al Dunya.

2. Al Imam Al Thabrani

In the pesantren environment, this book is widely read by middle-class students, after studying basic moral books.

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