Imagine if you could afford rocking any brand you have seen our local or international celebrities wearing?
Imagine having over 100 clothing stores near you acting as your closet! You can walk in and wear whatever you want to wear, rock it to work, on the weekends or to a special event, dropping it off and then being able to repeat the process with another new outfit whenever you'd like. Welcome to Vazy.
As a customer, you subscribe to rent clothes through our mobile application. Your Subscription amount is the maximum value of the clothes you will be qualified to rent.
We have four subscriptions;
Bronze –KES 3000
Silver – KES 5000
Gold – KES 10,000
Platinum – KES 20,000
VIP-KES 100,000
How it works:
With package Bronze:
Subscription fee is KES 3000. Subscriber can only borrow an outfit worth up to KES 3,000.
Subscriber pays the store 30% their subscription to rent, wear and return. Eg if a dress is 800, a bronze subscriber qualifies to carry the dress and will pay KES 240 to the store.
Selling price of Dress: KES 1000
Renting Fee: KES 300
FASHION FREEDOM: You will rock a new look every day with thousands of options at your fingertips. No more wearing that famous Sunday best to whisky river on a Friday night.
SMARTER CLOSET: With a Vazy store always nearby, all it takes is a few taps of a smartphone you can locate a nearby stall, walk in dress up and go for your party. If you already have a favorite store then the outfit is delivered to you.
Imagine having over 100 clothing stores near you acting as your closet! You can walk in and wear whatever you want to wear, rock it to work, on the weekends or to a special event, dropping it off and then being able to repeat the process with another new outfit whenever you'd like. Welcome to Vazy.
As a customer, you subscribe to rent clothes through our mobile application. Your Subscription amount is the maximum value of the clothes you will be qualified to rent.
We have four subscriptions;
Bronze –KES 3000
Silver – KES 5000
Gold – KES 10,000
Platinum – KES 20,000
VIP-KES 100,000
How it works:
With package Bronze:
Subscription fee is KES 3000. Subscriber can only borrow an outfit worth up to KES 3,000.
Subscriber pays the store 30% their subscription to rent, wear and return. Eg if a dress is 800, a bronze subscriber qualifies to carry the dress and will pay KES 240 to the store.
Selling price of Dress: KES 1000
Renting Fee: KES 300
FASHION FREEDOM: You will rock a new look every day with thousands of options at your fingertips. No more wearing that famous Sunday best to whisky river on a Friday night.
SMARTER CLOSET: With a Vazy store always nearby, all it takes is a few taps of a smartphone you can locate a nearby stall, walk in dress up and go for your party. If you already have a favorite store then the outfit is delivered to you.
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