Dragon Frog Cross The Dungeon icon

Dragon Frog Cross The Dungeon

Wildcard Games
50+ downloads

About Dragon Frog Cross The Dungeon

Dragon Frog Cross The Dungeon is a simple and very difficult game.
Dragon Frog Cross The Dungeon is now available on Android.
You, becoming the Dragon Frog, jump over a various obstacles such as jelly oozes, traps, dangerous road, spikes, and fireballs.
Get the gold coins hidden in blocky ancient ruins.

Tab to Jump !

- Explore an endless procedurally generated dungeon
- Cross countless road traps and monsters
- Collect coins and loot
- Beat your high score!
- Free to play

- Tap a direction on the screen to move
- Collect coins to increase your score
- Dodge traps and enemies
- Don't go too slow, or poison fog will catch you!

Dragon Frog Cross The Dungeon Screenshots