In addition to laying and broilers, ornamental chickens also have a relatively high economic value. several types of ornamental chickens that are widely cultivated include kate chicken, bangkok chicken and partridge. Chicken is one type of ornamental chicken that is in great demand by various groups of society. This type of chicken has its own uniqueness compared to other types of chicken, so it is very easy to distinguish. Chicken kate is instinctively the same as a dove, which lives in pairs - pairs. Throughout its life kate chicken will continue to pair with these partners. However, the possibility of interbreeding in kate chickens can also occur, namely by placing one male among several females. Good selection of broodstock is an important capital. If you choose the broodstock wrong, the result is that the chicken kate livestock process will be hampered and can even cause kate chicken farming to fail. To avoid failure you can learn how the kate chicken I have prepared in the Kate Kate Cattle Complete application, thank you good luck .
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