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Solitaire Andr Free

50+ downloads

About Solitaire Andr Free

Try Solitaire Andr and discover a card game that requires thought and patience.

Come and Play to A Battle mode to challenge your friends !

★★★★★ VARIANTS ★★★★★

- Classic Solitaire : 1 card / 3 cards
- Spider Solitaire : 1 / 2 / 4 suits
- Freecell : 4 / 3 / 2 cells

★★★★★ FEATURES ★★★★★

- English / French card game
- Set for right or left handed
- Option to cancel the card movement
- Ability to restart the game
- Automatic or manual end of game

★★★★★ STATISTICS ★★★★★

Go to detailed statistics for each variant : your best scores, your average game, etc

★★★★★ RANKINGS ★★★★★

Each endgame discover your personal best scores, but also your online ranking among your friends and all Solitaire Andr players !

Solitaire Andr Free Screenshots