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Unit Converter

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About Unit Converter

Unit Converter is a simple, smart, versatile, elegant and an amazing Unit Conversion app with many categories of units all in one place. This conversion app is designed smartly to meet your needs for use in daily life. With the Unit Converter you will be able to convert all types of units from Metric to Imperial systems & Vice-versa in seconds. It Is very Simple to use with the best user-friendly interface which contains a wide range of Unit conversion features. This app is useful for Students, Engineers, Workers and to all who need a conversion tools
Here are list of conversions that you can easily do with our Unit Converter App
Distance / Length
Meter, Miles, Inch Feet, Yard, Centimeter, Decimeter, Micrometer, Millimeter, Nanometer

Acre, Square millimeter, Square Centimeter, Square decimeter, Square meter, Square inch,
Square feet, Square yard, Square kilometer, Gunta

Weight /Mass
Kilogram, Pound, Gram, Milligram, Punch, Grain, Stone, Metric ton, Short ton, Long ton

Litres, Cubic Meters, Cubic Inches, Cubic centimeter, Cubic yard, Cubic Feet, Gallons.

Speed / Velocity
Kilometer/ hour, Mile/hour, Meter/second, Foot/second, Knot

Celsius, Fahrenheit, Kelvin

Nanosecond, Millisecond, Seconds, Minutes, Hours, Weeks, Months, Years.

Megapascal, Kilopascal, Pascal, Bar, PSI,PSF, Atmosphere, Atm, mmHg,Torr

Energy / Power / Torque
Watts, Joules, Kilojoule, Calories, BTU, Ft lbf, in-lbf, Kilowatt hour.


Plane Angle
Degree, Gradian, Radian, Minute of arc, Second of arc

Bit, Byte, Kilobit, Kilobyte, Megabit, Megabyte, Gigabit, Gigabyte, Terabit, Terabyte

Fuel Economy
Miles/Gallon, Litre/100km, Kilometres/Litre, Miles/Litre

Data transfer rate
Bits per second, Gibibit per second, Gigabit per second, Gigabyte per second, Kibibit per second, Kilobit per second, Kilobyte per second, Mebibit per second, Megabit per second, Megabyte per second, Tebibit per second, Terabit per second, Terabyte per second

✓ Best unit converter - All units in one place

✓ Includes Frequency, Pressure, Energy, Time, Speed, Temperature,Fuel Calculations, Volume,, Weight, Computer Storage, Angle, Power, Viscosity, Force, Data transfer rate, Torque, Density and much more…

✓ Built-In Search functionality.

✓ - Super fast unit converter..

✓ Precise and accurate unit converter.

✓ Simple and beautiful design.

✓ Support a wide range of Android devices and Tablets.

✓ Supports both Metric and Imperial Units

✓ A Feature to add your favorite Conversions.

🔧 No need for an INTERNET connection.

✓ This app is 100% FREE to download. You don't have to pay any amount to access this app. What are you Waiting for ??

Supported Languages
✔️ English


General Conversions

Speed Conversions
Temperature Conversions
Time Conversions
Volume Conversions
Weight Conversions
Area Conversions
Fuel Conversions
Length Conversions

Scientific Conversions

Energy Conversions
Torque Conversions
Work Conversions
Angle Conversions
Data Unit Conversions
Power Conversions
Pressure Conversions
Speed Conversions

You can email ✉️ us anytime if you have any suggestions ,comments or any Feature request.

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