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Абай әлемі

Фонд развития государственного языка
50,000+ downloads

About Абай әлемі

The mobile application created on the basis of an encyclopedic online portal «Abaialemi.kz», which was opened to the 170th anniversary of the great Abai.

The application contains an extensive database of information on the era of the great Abai, about his students, followers, the memoirs of contemporaries, abaevedov works, works devoted to Abai and a lot of other information. Therefore, the application opens up an opportunity for all from a single source to get acquainted with the life and work of the great thinker Abay.

The app collected:

- Own work (poems, songs, poems, published books, thinker transfers);
- Extensive database of information on the era of the great Abai;
- The works of Abai in different languages;
- Information on his disciples, followers;
- Memoirs of contemporaries;
- Proceedings abaevedov;
- The works devoted to Abai, Abai museums, monuments of Abai map.

The mobile application will allow students to increase significantly the level of education, to expand knowledge about the great thinker of Kazakh people - Abai Kunanbayev, raise the reader's interest and reading culture among young people.

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