Steppe Legends: Seven Stories of Great Love
Centuries pass and details, colors and faces are forgotten in the flow of history. But through the boundless steppes of the Kazakh land, tales of tragic destinies and self-sacrificing love fly.
The annex presents:
Comics "Goats Korpesh - Bayan Sulu". The tunes of the tragic legend are still heard in the steppe, in which the oaths of Sarybai and Karabaj are still heard to marry the unborn Kozy and Bayan.
Comic book "Rock Zhumbaktas". According to legend, the daughter of a rich boy escaped with her lover, a poor akyn, from her father. But the young failed to hide. The sons of the bay with their arrows killed the rootless horseman.
Comics "Enlik-Kebek Mausoleum". Two tombstones with the inscriptions "Enlik - Kebek" silently keep the memory of cruelty, senseless family feud and tragic love.
Comics "Shaitankol". In ancient times, the daughter of the rich man Sulushash loved Altai, the son of a poor man and a maidservant. Not having received the blessing of the obstinate father, the lovers, along with their mutual friend Kaisar, fled from their native home.
Centuries pass and details, colors and faces are forgotten in the flow of history. But through the boundless steppes of the Kazakh land, tales of tragic destinies and self-sacrificing love fly.
The annex presents:
Comics "Goats Korpesh - Bayan Sulu". The tunes of the tragic legend are still heard in the steppe, in which the oaths of Sarybai and Karabaj are still heard to marry the unborn Kozy and Bayan.
Comic book "Rock Zhumbaktas". According to legend, the daughter of a rich boy escaped with her lover, a poor akyn, from her father. But the young failed to hide. The sons of the bay with their arrows killed the rootless horseman.
Comics "Enlik-Kebek Mausoleum". Two tombstones with the inscriptions "Enlik - Kebek" silently keep the memory of cruelty, senseless family feud and tragic love.
Comics "Shaitankol". In ancient times, the daughter of the rich man Sulushash loved Altai, the son of a poor man and a maidservant. Not having received the blessing of the obstinate father, the lovers, along with their mutual friend Kaisar, fled from their native home.
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