Quran by numbers
Quran Info: Numbers of Verses, Words, Letters, abjad, tilawah, Muqatta'at. Revelation place, multiple graphs (type: Cloud, Column, Line) ...
Search or sort Surah(s) by: number, name, number of Verses/Words/Letters, Abjad value
Go to Verses/Words/Letters/abjad value of Surahs
List Surahs containing the Letters Muqatta'at and the Verses with Sujud Tilawah
Sort Surahs by place of revelation: Mecca/Medina
Show graphs of all Surahs with inforamtions about number of Verses/Words/Letters/Sujud Tilawah
With possibility to set/reset zoom, select specific graph to show (in the graph legend)
Search or sort Verse(s) by: its number, number of Words/Letters, Abjad value, Juz/Hizb/Rubu number
Go to Words/Letters/abjad value of specific Verse
List Verses containing the Letters Muqatta'at and the Verses with Sujud Tilawah in this Surah
Select and display a Verse
Show graphs of all Verses with information about number of Words/Letters/Abjad Value
With possibility to set/reset zoom, select specific graph to show (in the graph legend)
Search or sort Word(s) by: its number, contain, number of Letters, Abjad value
Go to Letters/abjad value of specific Word
Display Words matching: names of Allah, names of Surahs, names of Hegira months, names of prophets
Show CLOUDWORD graph of all Words with information about number of Words.
Search or sort Letter(s) by: its number, contain, Abjad value
Go to abjad value of specific Letter
Display Letters from: Surah number, Verse number, Word number
Show CLOUDLETTER graph of all Letters with information about number of Letters
Sort Surahs by place of revelation: Mecca/Medina
List Surahs/Verses number, name, number of Verses/Words/Letters, Abjad value and Juz/Hizb/Rubu number
List the Surahs/Verses containing the Verses with Sujud Tilawah
List Surahs/Verses containing the Letters Muqatta'at
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KEYWORDS : Quran, Numbers, Surahs, Verses, Words, Letters, Abjad, Tilawah, Muqatta'at, Juz/Hizb/Rubu , Graph, Cloud, List, Search, Sort, Information
MOTS-CLEFS: Coran, Nombres, Chiffres, Sourates, Versets, Mots, Lettres, Abjad, Tilawah, Muqatta'at, Juz/Hizb/Rubu , Graphique, Cloud, Liste, Recherche, Tri, Informations
الكلمات المفتاحية: القرآن ، الأرقام ، الأرقام ، السور ، الآيات ، الكلمات ، الحروف ، أبجد ، التلاوة ، المقتعات ، الجزء / الحزب / الربوه ، الرسم البياني ، السحاب ، القائمة ، البحث ، الترتيب ، المعلومات
Quran Info: Numbers of Verses, Words, Letters, abjad, tilawah, Muqatta'at. Revelation place, multiple graphs (type: Cloud, Column, Line) ...
Search or sort Surah(s) by: number, name, number of Verses/Words/Letters, Abjad value
Go to Verses/Words/Letters/abjad value of Surahs
List Surahs containing the Letters Muqatta'at and the Verses with Sujud Tilawah
Sort Surahs by place of revelation: Mecca/Medina
Show graphs of all Surahs with inforamtions about number of Verses/Words/Letters/Sujud Tilawah
With possibility to set/reset zoom, select specific graph to show (in the graph legend)
Search or sort Verse(s) by: its number, number of Words/Letters, Abjad value, Juz/Hizb/Rubu number
Go to Words/Letters/abjad value of specific Verse
List Verses containing the Letters Muqatta'at and the Verses with Sujud Tilawah in this Surah
Select and display a Verse
Show graphs of all Verses with information about number of Words/Letters/Abjad Value
With possibility to set/reset zoom, select specific graph to show (in the graph legend)
Search or sort Word(s) by: its number, contain, number of Letters, Abjad value
Go to Letters/abjad value of specific Word
Display Words matching: names of Allah, names of Surahs, names of Hegira months, names of prophets
Show CLOUDWORD graph of all Words with information about number of Words.
Search or sort Letter(s) by: its number, contain, Abjad value
Go to abjad value of specific Letter
Display Letters from: Surah number, Verse number, Word number
Show CLOUDLETTER graph of all Letters with information about number of Letters
Sort Surahs by place of revelation: Mecca/Medina
List Surahs/Verses number, name, number of Verses/Words/Letters, Abjad value and Juz/Hizb/Rubu number
List the Surahs/Verses containing the Verses with Sujud Tilawah
List Surahs/Verses containing the Letters Muqatta'at
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Generate CLOUD Graph of Words/Letters
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Change Language: Arabic - English - French
Access HELP of application
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Access RATE US under Google Play
KEYWORDS : Quran, Numbers, Surahs, Verses, Words, Letters, Abjad, Tilawah, Muqatta'at, Juz/Hizb/Rubu , Graph, Cloud, List, Search, Sort, Information
MOTS-CLEFS: Coran, Nombres, Chiffres, Sourates, Versets, Mots, Lettres, Abjad, Tilawah, Muqatta'at, Juz/Hizb/Rubu , Graphique, Cloud, Liste, Recherche, Tri, Informations
الكلمات المفتاحية: القرآن ، الأرقام ، الأرقام ، السور ، الآيات ، الكلمات ، الحروف ، أبجد ، التلاوة ، المقتعات ، الجزء / الحزب / الربوه ، الرسم البياني ، السحاب ، القائمة ، البحث ، الترتيب ، المعلومات
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