The driving education application displays, with audio and video, all series of driving education series, Code Rousseau in Morocco
Teaching the driving code in Morocco (Code de la route Maroc) is an application that gives you all the questions of the Permian driving license exam with answers, as it enables you to learn the traffic law and also see the new traffic code in its new version.
The application is also available on a set of driving test series for obtaining a B class driving license with a set of lessons for teaching traffic lights as well as driving rules
And do not forget the driving test that comes with the driving school computer simulator is very easy, after choosing the desired classification, an image with a question will appear to you, all you have to do is choose the correct answer (some questions accept two answers).
Driving education application (ta3lim siya9a) provides you with all the information that will help you a lot to pass the driving license exam without the Internet
All chains and chains of driving education in Morocco exist specifically to help all drivers and those who are coming to pass the driver’s license exam with the correct answers and works without the Internet as if you were in a driving school
Application content:
- 20 Code Rosso series with the questions that are asked on the day of the driver's license test, as it guarantees you success in the driver's license test
All traffic lights, including:
Prohibiting signs (positional road signs)
Danger signs (advanced road signs)
Forced signs (positional road signs)
Guidance signs
Signs of the end of the ban (positional road signs)
Signs of the end of the compulsion (positional road signs)
- More than 20 theoretical lessons in the form of questions and answers, including:
Car lights lessons (position lights, cross lights, road lights..)
Stand-up lessons
Lessons of the right of precedence
And more driving code rules and lessons in PDF format...
- The new Highway Code with a comprehensive explanation of it, which is important to pass the driving code exam.
All violations and misdemeanors that are not included in the driving license code exam:
700 dirhams fines
500 dirhams fines
Violations of 300 dirhams
- More than 35 cases that can fall on the day of the driver's license exam and a full explanation of how to deal with them to facilitate the driving process.
The driving education application is easy to use, simple and with an elegant design that guarantees you the maximum benefit from the driving series and lessons, whether the Rousseau Code or the practical driving exam, and you will be guaranteed the driving license, God willing
Teaching the driving code in Morocco (Code de la route Maroc) is an application that gives you all the questions of the Permian driving license exam with answers, as it enables you to learn the traffic law and also see the new traffic code in its new version.
The application is also available on a set of driving test series for obtaining a B class driving license with a set of lessons for teaching traffic lights as well as driving rules
And do not forget the driving test that comes with the driving school computer simulator is very easy, after choosing the desired classification, an image with a question will appear to you, all you have to do is choose the correct answer (some questions accept two answers).
Driving education application (ta3lim siya9a) provides you with all the information that will help you a lot to pass the driving license exam without the Internet
All chains and chains of driving education in Morocco exist specifically to help all drivers and those who are coming to pass the driver’s license exam with the correct answers and works without the Internet as if you were in a driving school
Application content:
- 20 Code Rosso series with the questions that are asked on the day of the driver's license test, as it guarantees you success in the driver's license test
All traffic lights, including:
Prohibiting signs (positional road signs)
Danger signs (advanced road signs)
Forced signs (positional road signs)
Guidance signs
Signs of the end of the ban (positional road signs)
Signs of the end of the compulsion (positional road signs)
- More than 20 theoretical lessons in the form of questions and answers, including:
Car lights lessons (position lights, cross lights, road lights..)
Stand-up lessons
Lessons of the right of precedence
And more driving code rules and lessons in PDF format...
- The new Highway Code with a comprehensive explanation of it, which is important to pass the driving code exam.
All violations and misdemeanors that are not included in the driving license code exam:
700 dirhams fines
500 dirhams fines
Violations of 300 dirhams
- More than 35 cases that can fall on the day of the driver's license exam and a full explanation of how to deal with them to facilitate the driving process.
The driving education application is easy to use, simple and with an elegant design that guarantees you the maximum benefit from the driving series and lessons, whether the Rousseau Code or the practical driving exam, and you will be guaranteed the driving license, God willing
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