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Testes de Código IMTT

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About Testes de Código IMTT

Code Tests is the best and most complete application with more than 6,000 different IMT questions.
IMTT Code Tests Driving License Exam Preparation
Success in your Code Exam is just a tap away! Install now and start practicing today.
If you prefer 4 wheels then this is the category you should study. The best way to be prepared to take your car on the road.

Take the code test! To complete the challenge, and find out if you have now passed a theoretical driving license exam again, you just need to go to the App that will provide a new code test for Portuguese drivers.

We do not intend to assume the role of the IMT, nor to control it like the police authorities, but we also want safety on the road, for the good of all of us.

In this way, we have developed some questions identical to the code exam, which all people who have to pass, with a maximum of 3 incorrect answers, if they want to have a driving license.

Difficulty level
By default the code tests are composed of easy, medium and hard questions. You can however customize the difficulty level of your code test.

Official difficulty exam test
The test will consist of 30 questions covering all Category B topics and will last for 30 minutes. You can only miss 3 questions to pass the test.
What we offer for free
real exams
The exams offered are made available by IMTT

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