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About Clicker

Clicker or Cricket app simulate real life clicker device

- Use in animal training
Clicker training
Clickers were first used by marine mammal trainer Karen Pryor as a way of communicating with their animals. Dolphins and whales communicate underwater through a series of clicks and whistles known as echolocation, and the clicker allowed a trainer to produce signals they were more likely to understand.

Nowadays, clickers are used to train all kinds of animals, most commonly dogs. When associated with a treat, a click allows the owner to mark the precise moment the desired behavior is executed.

Other use

- In contemporary society, clickers are often used by pet owners (particularly dogs and Gambian pouched rats) as a behavioral tool.

- Clickers are used to provide audible feedback for human students learning using a method called TAGteach.

- Clickers are also used as a handheld counting device, sometimes digital but more commonly mechanical, used to keep a count of the numbers of people entering a venue.

- A Clicker is a device used on recurve bows to signal to the archer that correct draw length has been achieved, thus aiding consistency.

- emulate the buzzers sound.

What is Clicker ?

A clicker, sometimes called a cricket, is device that makes a clicking sound, usually when deliberately activated by its user.

They usually consist of a piece of thin metal or plastic held in a casing so that the metal is slightly torqued; depressing one end of the metal causes it to pop out of alignment and releasing it causes it to pop back into alignment, each time making a sharp click.

With some clickers, the user depresses the metal directly with thumb or finger; with others, a button extends above the surface of the casing so that depressing the button makes the metal click.