Find a blood donor or enlist yourself as a donor in Ashuganj or nearby areas.
- Search donors with name, address or blood group
- Filter with blood group and availability according to last donation date
- Call donors right from the app or message with messenger
- Sign In with facebook to enlist yourself and become a donor
- You can choose to share your contact information only with admins
- Update your last donation date when you donate
- Receive notifications about latest activities of Asroy Bidyapith
- Search donors with name, address or blood group
- Filter with blood group and availability according to last donation date
- Call donors right from the app or message with messenger
- Sign In with facebook to enlist yourself and become a donor
- You can choose to share your contact information only with admins
- Update your last donation date when you donate
- Receive notifications about latest activities of Asroy Bidyapith
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