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মাযহাব ও তাকলীদ

Markazul Quran (মারকাযুল কুরআন)
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About মাযহাব ও তাকলীদ

Humans have many instincts, innate. Naturally, people can understand it. There is no need for Qur'anic Hadith or any other documentary evidence to explain it. Such as eating on hunger, drinking on thirst, seeking medical attention in case of illness. Why eat if you are hungry? Why do you have to drink thirsty? Why do you have to seek medical help? No different documentary evidence is required to explain this. These are human nature. People understand by nature. On the contrary, if one of them seeks evidence, people will laugh at him.

Again there are some things that are not innate. It is not understood by nature, but requires different documentary evidence. For example, will the muqtadis recite Surah Fatiha in the prayer? Will he raise his hand in prayer other than the time of Tahrima? Etc. There is no way to understand these by nature. These have to be understood with the evidence of Quran and Hadith. Obedience to madhhabs, taqlid practice, development of madhhabs and taqlids, etc. are also matters of nature, not matters of documentary evidence. People seek medical help for illness. It is natural, in the same way that people take refuge in a wise person to know the religious masala-masayel. It is also innate.

Some people think that following the madhhab or taqleed is a matter of documenting the Qur'an and Hadith like the recitation of Surah Fatiha by the Muqtadis or Rafi Yadain. The Qur'an cannot be understood without the evidence of Hadith. So at first he was busy looking for documents and evidence. That is not the case. That is why it is seen that the people of those who do not follow the Madhhab or claim to follow Taqlid also take refuge in their scholars. There is no other way. Of course, there are innumerable documents of madhhabs and taqlids in the Qur'an and Hadith. This issue has been highlighted in a little detail in the present booklet. I hope the booklet will be helpful in resolving the doubts of this subject, God willing.

I am very fortunate to have read the book of Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Abdul Malek Sahib Damat Barakatuhum, the respected Aminut Talim of Markazud Dawah Al-Islamia Dhaka, one of the most learned jurists and hadith scholars in the Muslim world. I am not at all fit to find time for this great man and take time from him. I had the absolute privilege of being with him for some time as a student, but I could not be his student. Even then he gave time to Adham. This is one of the great achievements of Adham.

He also wrote an introduction out of sympathy for Adham and chose the name of the booklet. I am speechless, how can I thank Allah and express my gratitude to the Lord! May Allah give you a good reward in this world and in the Hereafter, Amen.

I don't know if my booklet has reached that level of high standard for passing a text to the Lord. However, after seeing the lord, I can tell the reader that there is nothing wrong with it, Insha-Allah.

Hazrat Maulana Mutiur Rahman Sahib, the author of Markazud Dawah Al-Islamia Dhaka's respected Ustad 'These Hadiths No-1' has also corrected its linguistic error as much as possible by looking at the book from beginning to end. He is my great Muhsin Murabbi and Mukhlis Ustad. Many thanks to him from the bottom of my heart. May Allah reward both the masters according to His dignity, Amen.

Almost all of the titles discussed in the booklet are formulaic. So the reader was requested to read the entire booklet. Otherwise, the full structure of the subject may not come to the fore, but in some cases there is a risk of misunderstanding by the reader. May Allah protect us.

In addition, after reading the booklet, if there are any questions, doubts, ambiguities or suggestions on the relevant subject, it is requested to inform the author. Allah will give a good reward.
Finally, may Allah accept the booklet and grant us a long religious life with Sihat and Afiyat.

Imdadul Haque
27 Ramadan, 1441 AH
Chauddagram, Comilla

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