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Manuales AMIR 2.0

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About Manuales AMIR 2.0

The manuals are the most important material in the daily study of the MIR exam. It is a concise exercise to collect all the Medicine that is asked in the MIR in a very accessible way and to understand in a simple way the most complicated concepts. The AMIR manuals contain all the information necessary to answer the vast majority of the MIR exam questions. For this reason, all the themes emphasize the "MIR Approach", a vision of each subject oriented to the MIR exam.

The application of Digital Manuals AMIR part of these strengths by adding all the capabilities of a premium digital service, allowing to carry all the necessary content to prepare the MIR "in your pocket". All the pages can be visualized in the same way, with the same format and disposition, as in the printed book so that the multiformat experience is a continuity for the student and facilitates the memorization of concepts and the transition from one to another.

You can login in the application with the same username and password as in the AMIR student application, so it will not be necessary to register again. The application also includes a searcher in each manual a general search engine that allows you to search all manuals that are available to the student, so it is easy to get a global view of the contents.

In order that the manuals are not only a reading tool and become a tool of study, the application of digital manuals incorporates many novelties: possibility to highlight concepts, underline, write notes, add comments by hand, strokes of drawing if the student reinforces the study. You can also add pages to bookmarks, so that the student can make a perfect review guide to the MIR or review the concepts you have seen in the simulations you do not know yet.

And the fundamental tool to deepen the study and develop long-term memory while practicing the examination technique is the access from the text itself to the related MIR questions. This great novelty allows, while working with the theoretical content of the topics, to test the comprehension of the same by the student, accessing and answering the question MIR about the same application, as well as the correct answer and your comment, and then return "by clicking" to the digital manual, to the page where it was.

From AMIR we are very satisfied with this new application, faithful to our commitment to innovation to be better every day and that our students have the best possible preparation for the MIR exam.

Manuales AMIR 2.0 Screenshots