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Aerea Home

Triibe Technology Pte Ltd
100+ downloads

About Aerea Home

Aerea Home is a multipurpose app that brings seamless experience for residents, managing agents and council members. Efficient functionalities that bring convenience to all stakeholders. Aerea Home is suitable for all kinds of condo scale, be it newly TOP or existing ones. With more features and functions coming on board, you can consider Aerea Home as your condo butler!


Convenience at your fingertips! Relax and enjoy a cuppa while you book your appointment / facility.

• Receive the latest estate’s announcements

• Book Facilities, check available time slots based on your preferred date. Get reminder on upcoming events / bookings (BBQ, Tennis court etc).

• Submit your feedback through the mobile app.

Managing Agents

Aerea home improves productivity and efficiency. You can manage your property remotely too! With the mobile app and web portal, you can access it wherever you are, whenever you want.

• Create announcements and upload photos to be sent together. Go green and reduce paper wastage.

• Receive and manage appointments / facility bookings.

• Create roles and control the level of access that these roles are allow to have.

• View feedbacks, update status and reply directly.

• View monthly bookings / appointments

• View monthly feedbacks

Newly TOP Condos

• Book appointments for Key Collection

• Book appointments for Joint Inspection

• Submit defects list via the e-forms (With customizable locations, defects types)

Aerea Home Screenshots

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