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Africa Farmers House

Umojami LLC.
50+ downloads

About Africa Farmers House

Join Africa farm house conversation!

Time in as a farmer and join the timeline of African farmers sharing ideas, farming techniques and marketing their products on the Africa Mercantile Marketplace. This is the new farmers social media farm where farmers visit to know what is happening in the agricultural world straight from experts in the field of farming.

Explore what’s trending in the farming community, or get to know the leading technics and technology in the topics that matter to you; whether your interests range from #local farming , ideas, you can follow & speak directly to influencers or farmers alike. Every farmers voice can make a change in how you produce and sell your produce locally and across borders.

Follow your interests in farming. share ideas of farming, Reply to other farmers, Share or Like - Africa Farmers House is the #1 social media farm app for latest AgroTech & updates.

Tap into what’s the price for current produce are going for around you. Search farmtags and trending topics to stay updated with other farmers and other followers. Follow the farms you like or your favourite farmers, alongside hundreds of interesting users, and readers in Africa and the world.

Share your opinion.
Engage your social network with noteworthy links, photos and videos. DM other farmers or reply in a thread. Whether you chat privately or go viral, every little idea makes a BIG difference.

Make your farm noticed.
Africa Farmers House allows farmers to find other farmers to share ideas and technology or build a following of people who are interested in farming or want to learn about farming in Africa. Maintaining a social connection has never been easier! Beyond chatting, Africa Farmers House allows farmers to build a personal connection with other farmers and farms across the continent of Africa. Reach out to other farmers and improve their production - you may be surprised by how many answers you get back.

Build your profile:
*Customize your profile, add a photo, description, location, and background photo
*Post visual content
*Use farmtags in your threads
*Pull in farmers within and outside your community

Africa Farmers House Screenshots