اكثر من 10000 كلمة انجليزية icon

اكثر من 10000 كلمة انجليزية

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About اكثر من 10000 كلمة انجليزية

10000 best English word
Encyclopedia of English words and their meanings help you to punctuate the best English language daily which helps in everyday dealings or travel abroad and dealing with the owners of the language lyrics
And where to learn and save the vocabulary of any language is the key to understand in addition of course to the rest of reasons help as learning grammar and practice what has been learned in reading, listening and speaking, but remains the task of learning and keeping words are the main task at all Darcy any language, especially beginners.
And where it was said that learning (100) common word helps to understand (20%), which is said to learn (500) common word helps to understand (70%) than general says people in their daily conversations.
But the beauty of this topic that all the words contained therein are used in everyday conversation.

Run the program requirements
- Internet connection

The program Mxtoy
- Order of the words to Z (.... A, B, C, D)
- Countries - countries
- Religion and the universe (under construction)
- Everyday politics (under construction)
- Education (under construction)
- Kitchen (under construction)
- Household items (under construction)
- Recipes (under construction)
- The human body (under construction)
- Family (under construction)

اكثر من 10000 كلمة انجليزية Screenshots