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Tilism Technologies (Pvt.) Ltd.
1,000+ downloads

About Agent

Tello Agent App is best way to connect with your customers:
Our easy-to-use chat API and powerful back-end platform make it simple to create rich engaging customer chat experiences, loaded with all the features of a modern messenger which comes along with Mini CRM, Supervisor/Agent Modules, Ticket/Feedback Module and Customer Satisfaction Score.
This app equips your enterprise with the following features:
- Engage website visitors with welcome messages and live chat.
- Answer Chats from Your Mobile Device
- Collect feedback from your customers.
- Deliver personal customer support that sets you apart from competitors.
- Equip team members with the answers they need exactly when they need it.
- Monitor and track your teams progress over time, review chat history, and check performance in analytics.
- Manage all tickets and leverage custom settings to optimize your agent workflow for he best support experience.
- Never lose context. View the status an chat content for every interaction between an agent and a customer.
- Track you support status in real-time with monitoring tools to view response time, pending time ad more.
And extends the following benefits:
- 99% Messaging Cost Reduction
- 31% Call Cost Reduction
- 30% CRM Cost Reduction
No catch. No ads. No spam.

Agent Screenshots

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