Keep count of your reps while exercising, or any other kind of tally, while still using your phone to browse the web, watch youtube, or anything else you want. Tiny window covers very little space, but offers all the features you need in a counter.
This version of "Floating Rep Counter" adds:
* 3 more counters (total 4)
new options:
* Larger sized window
* Remember count from previous invocation
* edit button that lets you start the count at a specific value
* auditory/haptic feedback each time you tap the counter.
This version of "Floating Rep Counter" adds:
* 3 more counters (total 4)
new options:
* Larger sized window
* Remember count from previous invocation
* edit button that lets you start the count at a specific value
* auditory/haptic feedback each time you tap the counter.
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