Photo gallery show photos and videos in a brilliant albums on your phone. Capture any number of pictures with HD camera and organize all media in multiple albums of this secure gallery. Gallery photo editor, quickly turn full picture album on a slideshow, zoom and view the photo in full screen. Image gallery smartly show albums and give option to set as wallpaper, your favorite photos. Edit gallery photos by using latest editing tools like apply text option with custom colors, photo filters and apply sticker on photo. Protect & Secure all media in built-in vault locker with gallery, one tap to hide photos and hide videos with security pin lock & pattern lock. Enjoy all features of photo gallery without ads by activation of premium subscription of (Gallery - Photo & Video, Album)
Photo to video creator (images, music, and text all in one video status
Photo video gallery makes editing easy and accessible for anyone. Convert your favorite photo into video timeline and add custom background music to turn your still pictures into an enticing video. Photo video maker is an easy to understand feature, however if you’ve never edited a video before. Simple is that tell a story with your content and get excited feedback’s by share it with the world.
Gallery Vault (Hide photo video with PIN & pattern lock)
Vault lock gallery offers various security modes such as PIN and pattern that can use to set a passcode. Gallery vault locker not only allow to hide galleria photos videos, it’s also giving option to view photo and video in vault.
Recycle Bin (Restore 30 days deleted gallery media)
Recycle accidentally delete important photo and video on your android device. Gallery with recycle bin always give a sigh of relief as there is a gallery bin from which the whole media can be restored. Restore mistakenly deleted photo video with just one tap to recover gallery media.
Enhance Camera quality with HD gallery cam
Get futuristic picture quality and HDR+, Nightsight feature to capture perfect pictures in low light. Capture photo with gallery camera and directly got option of editor to enhance the image quality.
End of all share HD photos with the world to show your camera skills.
(Gallery - Photo & Video, Album) This app does not get any personal data and did breach your privacy.
Photo to video creator (images, music, and text all in one video status
Photo video gallery makes editing easy and accessible for anyone. Convert your favorite photo into video timeline and add custom background music to turn your still pictures into an enticing video. Photo video maker is an easy to understand feature, however if you’ve never edited a video before. Simple is that tell a story with your content and get excited feedback’s by share it with the world.
Gallery Vault (Hide photo video with PIN & pattern lock)
Vault lock gallery offers various security modes such as PIN and pattern that can use to set a passcode. Gallery vault locker not only allow to hide galleria photos videos, it’s also giving option to view photo and video in vault.
Recycle Bin (Restore 30 days deleted gallery media)
Recycle accidentally delete important photo and video on your android device. Gallery with recycle bin always give a sigh of relief as there is a gallery bin from which the whole media can be restored. Restore mistakenly deleted photo video with just one tap to recover gallery media.
Enhance Camera quality with HD gallery cam
Get futuristic picture quality and HDR+, Nightsight feature to capture perfect pictures in low light. Capture photo with gallery camera and directly got option of editor to enhance the image quality.
End of all share HD photos with the world to show your camera skills.
(Gallery - Photo & Video, Album) This app does not get any personal data and did breach your privacy.
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