Markdown notes for Roam, Notio icon

Markdown notes for Roam, Notio

Alekha.Net Developers
2.0 out of 5
1,000+ downloads

About Markdown notes for Roam, Notio

Roam, Notion, Logseq, Obsidian are hard to use on mobile. Alekha solves that problem.
COMING SOON: direct import of logseq format

Offline first 🏠 :-
All the notes are saved on user's phone following the offline first architecture with complete offline support.

Markdown support 📓 :-
Notes are exported to markdown and synced 100% as Markdown files in the Internal Storage

QR codes 💯 : -
Share and Scan QR codes to directly share the notes.

Browse Profiles 🤝 :-
Choose notes to share with others and then browse other user profiles

Threadreader 📄 :-
Save twitter thread and the app will automatically fetch the thread for you.

Use it as a Thread reader, remind-me, full text search, annotation.
A notion/roam research for bookmarks.

Alekha will download the entire tweet thread content and save it for you. And you can search for it later.

How to use:

1. Install the app
2. Start adding links or share directly to the app.
3. Never lose track of your thoughts

Markdown notes for Roam, Notio Screenshots