Maskani icon


Shark Teamy
10+ downloads

About Maskani

Maskani is the real estate application by shark team to be one of the leading real estate
application in Kurdistan, Iraq and all of the world.

This leading app will take you to the tour of market of properties to find the best place in your mind. Maskani takes all real estates into this application so User be able to find as easy as they want.

Filter and search across Iraq's properties from the smallest to largest and from the normal to luxury

We are trying to make challenges the easiest you will never face complex issues from Maskani.

Definitely You will find ( Sell and Rent ) properties from residential areas, apartments, houses, land, commercial building, Offices, shops and farm..etc

We have made everything to be easy and clear from the images and description, Videos, Maps

Maskani is an Arabic word which means my home or my residence, or my place. we used this identity because it is the place to find your new destination for sure you will in maskani. This name is easy to pronounce it

Maskani Screenshots

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