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About allerheiligen feiertag

all saints holiday

All Saints' Day is generally observed on November 1st as a memorial day for all Christian saints. It may also be known as All Saints' Day, Solemnity of All Saints, Hallowmas or Feast of the Saints.

The origin of All Saints' Day cannot be traced with certainty and was observed on different days in different places. According to Ephraem Syrus (died c. 373), a Feast of All Martyrs was held in the Eastern Church on May 13, which may have determined the choice of May 13 by Pope Boniface IV when he dedicated the Pantheon in Rome as a church in honor of the saints Virgin and All Martyrs in 609. The first evidence of the date of the celebration on November 1 and the extension of the feast to all saints as well as all martyrs occurred during the reign of Pope Gregory III. (731-741). who inaugurated a chapel in St. Peter's Basilica in Rome on November 1 in honor of all the saints. In the year 800, All Saints' Day was observed by Alcuin on November 1st, and it also appeared in a 9th-century English calendar on that day. In 837 Pope Gregory IV ordered its general observance. In medieval England, the festival was known as All Hallows, and its eve is still known as Halloween. The period from October 31 to November 2 (All Souls' Day) is sometimes referred to as the Allhallowtide.

In our app you will find everything you are looking for.

are you looking for all saints pictures?
So that you are in the right place we have prepared for you a large collection of all saints pictures. You can find your favorite photo and share it with your loved ones.

are you looking for all saints sayings?
Here are famous quotes about All Saints Day that you can use to show your feelings, share with your friends and post on social media platforms. Enjoy your day and share your thoughts with perfect images of All Saints Day Quotes.

app features
- We have good quality pictures.
- You can share photos and quotes and post to social media platforms easily.
- simple interface.

our app "Holiday Day" content list :
- all saints pictures
- all saints sayings
- all saints day holiday meaning

I wish you and your family a wonderful time full of peace, joy and God's blessings on this day. I wish you a happy All Saints' Day.

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