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Allergic Reaction Treatment, R

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About Allergic Reaction Treatment, R

Your immune system is responsible for defending the body against bacteria and viruses. In some cases, your immune system will defend against substances that typically don’t pose a threat to the human body. These substances are known as allergens, and when your body reacts to them, it causes an allergic reaction.

You can inhale, eat, and touch allergens that cause a reaction. Doctors can also use allergens to diagnose allergies and can even inject them into your body as a form of treatment.

The symptoms of an allergic reaction can vary from mild to severe. If you become exposed to an allergen for the first time, your symptoms may be mild. These symptoms may get worse if you repeatedly come into contact with the allergen.

For allergy sufferers, the best treatment is to avoid the offending allergens altogether. This may be possible if the allergen is a specific food, like peanuts, which can be cut out of the diet, but not when the very air we breathe is loaded with allergens, such as ragweed pollen. Various over-the-counter or prescription medications can relieve symptoms.

- Antihistamines. These medications counter the effects of histamine, the substance that makes eyes water and noses itch and causes sneezing during allergic reactions. Sleepiness was a problem with the oldest antihistamines, but the newest drugs do not cause such a problem.

- Nasal steroids. These anti-inflammatory sprays help decrease inflammation, swelling, and mucus production. They work well alone and, for some people, in combination with antihistamines; in recommended doses, they are relatively free of side effects.

- Cromolyn sodium. A nasal spray, cromolyn sodium can help stop hay fever, perhaps by blocking release of histamine and other symptom-producing chemicals. It has few side effects.

- Decongestants. Available in capsule and spray form, decongestants may reduce swelling and sinus discomfort. Intended for short-term use, they are usually used in combination with antihistamines. Long-term usage of spray decongestants can actually make symptoms worse, while decongestant pills do not have this problem.

- Immunotherapy. Immunotherapy (allergy shots) might provide relief for patients who don't find relief with antihistamines or nasal steroids. Allergy shots alter the body's immune response to allergens, thereby helping to prevent allergic reactions. They are the only form of treatment that can induce long-lasting protection for several years after therapy is stopped. Current immunotherapy treatments are limited because of potential allergic reactions; rarely, these can be severe.

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