All Tamil Dictionary is working offline and completely free.
DICTIONARY includes more than seventy-eight-thousand of words listed alphabetically that you can scroll through or search directly and Predictive search will make your life easier and faster. Availability of various word definitions which will greatly increase on your understanding of an English language in a detailed way. Any native Tamils trying to learn English could benefit from this resource. Clean reading experience and it has a lot of useful words and definitions as well as a smooth search feature. This Offline Tamil to English Dictionary is especially designed for students.
CONVERTER gives you simplicity and powerful Tamil writing source. It is very easy to write Tamil Unicode character using from English alphabets. Whatever you write, it will convert automatically to tamil text, then you can copy and post to social media or any app.
TRANSLATOR grants you an opportunity to find trustworthy translations of colloquial and formal words as well as the conjugation of verbs and declension of nouns. Giving you a comprehensive knowledge of technical translations in addition to slang terms, idiomatic forms and phrasal verbs, Voice enabled translation to translate speech to Tamil word instantly and provides its users with a thorough understanding of spellings and grammatical function of words.
LEARNING VIDEOS teaching spoken English for Tamil medium students to learn English, students should know difference between a noun, verb and adjective. Then only they can use the words in the sentences, when they speak, read and write. You can improve your spoken English and communication skills with our app.
We are always improving our app by increasing the number of words often.
*Listen button are not function in some device.
DICTIONARY includes more than seventy-eight-thousand of words listed alphabetically that you can scroll through or search directly and Predictive search will make your life easier and faster. Availability of various word definitions which will greatly increase on your understanding of an English language in a detailed way. Any native Tamils trying to learn English could benefit from this resource. Clean reading experience and it has a lot of useful words and definitions as well as a smooth search feature. This Offline Tamil to English Dictionary is especially designed for students.
CONVERTER gives you simplicity and powerful Tamil writing source. It is very easy to write Tamil Unicode character using from English alphabets. Whatever you write, it will convert automatically to tamil text, then you can copy and post to social media or any app.
TRANSLATOR grants you an opportunity to find trustworthy translations of colloquial and formal words as well as the conjugation of verbs and declension of nouns. Giving you a comprehensive knowledge of technical translations in addition to slang terms, idiomatic forms and phrasal verbs, Voice enabled translation to translate speech to Tamil word instantly and provides its users with a thorough understanding of spellings and grammatical function of words.
LEARNING VIDEOS teaching spoken English for Tamil medium students to learn English, students should know difference between a noun, verb and adjective. Then only they can use the words in the sentences, when they speak, read and write. You can improve your spoken English and communication skills with our app.
We are always improving our app by increasing the number of words often.
*Listen button are not function in some device.
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