Use the MobileTogether Mobile App for Android to access mobile enterprise solutions built in MobileTogether Designer. Download the app now to connect to your company’s MobileTogether Server or to view our collection of sample apps! These will help you understand the potential for building any type of data-centric app in MobileTogether.
The MobileTogether Mobile App gives you access to your company’s apps with full connectivity to back end systems, efficiently and securely mobilizing essential business processes. It gives you rich access to the critical business resources you need in dynamic, eye-catching apps that increase productivity – whether you’re in your office, between flights at the airport, or at an off-site meeting.
The free MobileTogether Mobile App is the key to instant deployment of apps for in-house or enterprise scenarios. Developers build an app in the free MobileTogether Designer, and then deploy it to your MobileTogether Server. Then, end-users connect to your server using the MobileTogether Mobile App to gain instant access to your apps!
The MobileTogether Mobile App gives you access to your company’s apps with full connectivity to back end systems, efficiently and securely mobilizing essential business processes. It gives you rich access to the critical business resources you need in dynamic, eye-catching apps that increase productivity – whether you’re in your office, between flights at the airport, or at an off-site meeting.
The free MobileTogether Mobile App is the key to instant deployment of apps for in-house or enterprise scenarios. Developers build an app in the free MobileTogether Designer, and then deploy it to your MobileTogether Server. Then, end-users connect to your server using the MobileTogether Mobile App to gain instant access to your apps!
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