It is a Mobile APP which is essential for landlords to manage Tenants in :-
- Apartments
- Lodges & Guests
- Hostels, frames and other business premises.
It also helps landlords to manage and control all expenses like :-
- Maintance services
- Caretaker's ( Employees ) and so on
It then gives out reports like :-
- Income statement & reports
- Expenditures reports in monthly and yearly basis.
It also allow landlords to :-
- Get Auto Notifications for Tenants and contracts expiry
- Know how many contracts about to expire
- Update, Terminate, and renew contracts.
It is a Mobile APP which is essential for landlords to manage Tenants in :-
- Apartments
- Lodges & Guests
- Hostels, frames and other business premises.
It also helps landlords to manage and control all expenses like :-
- Maintance services
- Caretaker's ( Employees ) and so on
It then gives out reports like :-
- Income statement & reports
- Expenditures reports in monthly and yearly basis.
It also allow landlords to :-
- Get Auto Notifications for Tenants and contracts expiry
- Know how many contracts about to expire
- Update, Terminate, and renew contracts.
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