Laser Watch Face icon

Laser Watch Face

500+ downloads

About Laser Watch Face

Laser watch face is build to extract maximum capabilities of Android Wear and Wear OS and make your daily life more elegant.

For Android wear 1.0 user
This watch face will provide Watch face you
- A steps counter
- Real-time watch battery
- An agenda shortcut

For Android wear 2.0 and Wear OS user
We like to introduce Watch Face Complications,
A complication is any feature on a watch face that displays more than hours and that can customize and serve you any information in our style. Titian watch face provide
- Date
- Time and Date
- Clock world
- Shortcut to your favorite contact
- App shortcut
- Notification count
- Photo
- Step count
- Watch battery
- Shortcut to agenda app
- etc.

*Animation will stop after watch battery reaches 15% which will extend the watch battery lift to save your day

Laser Watch Face Screenshots