For viewing the printed kinos, you need a PDF viewer, such as: Adobe Reader - search on Google Play - WORKS GREAT!
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Book of Kinot (Kinos) For Tisha'a Be'av
Attention! This version is Nosach Ashkenaz only! For Nosach Sfardi please download the Sfardi version!
* Includes Kinos for Shacharit in the morning. Kinos for Arvis - evening.
* Shacarit and arvis of teit Bea'av
* Full Megilat Eicha with teamim.
* Pniney Halacha for Tisha'a Be'av
*** Soon - WGH Limud for Tisha'a Be'av in what is allowed, Explainations on the kinos and more ***
*** Attension! Books and Texted version in the same app ***
Hope we won't need this app anymore and we will see Beit Hamikdash in its Greatness.
For viewing the printed kinos, you need a PDF viewer, such as: Adobe Reader - search on Google Play - WORKS GREAT!
Please Don't give low rating if the PDF doesn't work for you, just install Adobe Reader on your phone then try again.
Thank you!
Book of Kinot (Kinos) For Tisha'a Be'av
Attention! This version is Nosach Ashkenaz only! For Nosach Sfardi please download the Sfardi version!
* Includes Kinos for Shacharit in the morning. Kinos for Arvis - evening.
* Shacarit and arvis of teit Bea'av
* Full Megilat Eicha with teamim.
* Pniney Halacha for Tisha'a Be'av
*** Soon - WGH Limud for Tisha'a Be'av in what is allowed, Explainations on the kinos and more ***
*** Attension! Books and Texted version in the same app ***
Hope we won't need this app anymore and we will see Beit Hamikdash in its Greatness.
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