These sentences were copied from a book printed in Toulouse (France) in 1740. They were published by Father Adrien Parvilliers, of the Society of Jesus. Father Adrien was Jesuit apostolic missionary in the Holy Land. This priest got approval, permission and recommendation were required to spread these prayers.
For a long time, St. Bridget had wanted to know how many lashes had received Our Lord in His Passion. One day Jesus appeared to him, saying, "I got in my body five thousand, four hundred eighty lashes; are 5,480 lashes (remember that were sixty executioners who beat him, who were relieving, Pilate had promised him free after punishment and Jews bribed the executioners so it would be dead, but Jesus did not die and were still whipping and whipping, for thus the number of lashings explained and may account in deplorable conditions took the Cross). If you want to truly honor them with some reverence, say 15 times the Our Father; also 15 times the Hail Mary, with the following sentences, for a full year. At the end of the year, you will have honored each of My Wounds. " (Our Lord Himself dictated prayers to the saint.)
The Crucified Santa Brigida promised the following privileges, provided that she was faithful to the daily recitation of the Divine Office. And also they guaranteed to everyone who says the prayers devoutly every day for the space of a year, the following promises:
► Anyone who recites these prayers, you will get the highest degree of perfection.
► Fifteen days before his death, will have a perfect knowledge of all their sins and deep contrition of them.
► Fifteen days before his death I will give my precious body in order to escape the eternal hunger; I will give to drink from my precious blood so that not remain eternally thirsty.
► deliver from purgatory 15 family members (some may be of the past, other present and also the future)
► Fifteen family members will be confirmed and preserved in grace. (the same)
► Fifteen family members will become. (the same)
► Anyone who has lived in a state of mortal sin for 30 years, but if recites or intends to recite these prayers devoutly, I the Lord will forgive all their sins. (Those who do not want to confess stubborn, then go almost running to the sacrament of forgiveness of sins to a priest).
► If you have lived by their own free will throughout his life and is about to die (without the person has knowledge that is about to die soon), lengthen their existence to be good confession (confession of life)
► You get everything you ask God and the Blessed Virgin.
► Wherever you are saying prayers, or where they say, God is present with his grace.
► Whoever teaches these prayers to others, will win untold merit and glory be greater in Heaven.
► For every time that these prayers are recited, they will earn 100 days of indulgence.
► will be freed from eternal death. (Not condemn)
► enjoys promise to be counted among the blessed in heaven.
► We will defend against the temptations of evil.
► will preserve and keep their five senses.
► What will preserve a sudden death.
► I will place my victorious cross before him to vanquish his enemies. (Satan and his hosts)
► Before his death I will come with my beloved Mother, the Blessed Virgin Immaculate.
► I receive very pleased and will lead to eternal joys. And when they had brought them there, I will give to drink from the fountain of my divinity; I will not do anything with those who have not recited My prayers.
► Ensures him to be placed against the Supreme Choir of Holy Angels.
For a long time, St. Bridget had wanted to know how many lashes had received Our Lord in His Passion. One day Jesus appeared to him, saying, "I got in my body five thousand, four hundred eighty lashes; are 5,480 lashes (remember that were sixty executioners who beat him, who were relieving, Pilate had promised him free after punishment and Jews bribed the executioners so it would be dead, but Jesus did not die and were still whipping and whipping, for thus the number of lashings explained and may account in deplorable conditions took the Cross). If you want to truly honor them with some reverence, say 15 times the Our Father; also 15 times the Hail Mary, with the following sentences, for a full year. At the end of the year, you will have honored each of My Wounds. " (Our Lord Himself dictated prayers to the saint.)
The Crucified Santa Brigida promised the following privileges, provided that she was faithful to the daily recitation of the Divine Office. And also they guaranteed to everyone who says the prayers devoutly every day for the space of a year, the following promises:
► Anyone who recites these prayers, you will get the highest degree of perfection.
► Fifteen days before his death, will have a perfect knowledge of all their sins and deep contrition of them.
► Fifteen days before his death I will give my precious body in order to escape the eternal hunger; I will give to drink from my precious blood so that not remain eternally thirsty.
► deliver from purgatory 15 family members (some may be of the past, other present and also the future)
► Fifteen family members will be confirmed and preserved in grace. (the same)
► Fifteen family members will become. (the same)
► Anyone who has lived in a state of mortal sin for 30 years, but if recites or intends to recite these prayers devoutly, I the Lord will forgive all their sins. (Those who do not want to confess stubborn, then go almost running to the sacrament of forgiveness of sins to a priest).
► If you have lived by their own free will throughout his life and is about to die (without the person has knowledge that is about to die soon), lengthen their existence to be good confession (confession of life)
► You get everything you ask God and the Blessed Virgin.
► Wherever you are saying prayers, or where they say, God is present with his grace.
► Whoever teaches these prayers to others, will win untold merit and glory be greater in Heaven.
► For every time that these prayers are recited, they will earn 100 days of indulgence.
► will be freed from eternal death. (Not condemn)
► enjoys promise to be counted among the blessed in heaven.
► We will defend against the temptations of evil.
► will preserve and keep their five senses.
► What will preserve a sudden death.
► I will place my victorious cross before him to vanquish his enemies. (Satan and his hosts)
► Before his death I will come with my beloved Mother, the Blessed Virgin Immaculate.
► I receive very pleased and will lead to eternal joys. And when they had brought them there, I will give to drink from the fountain of my divinity; I will not do anything with those who have not recited My prayers.
► Ensures him to be placed against the Supreme Choir of Holy Angels.
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