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7 Litanii do Matki Bożej

Glory to God
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About 7 Litanii do Matki Bożej

7 Litany of Our Lady:

Litany of Loreto
Litany to Mary, the Mother of Carmel
Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Carmel
Litany to Mary, Mother of the Church
Litany to Mary, Mother of Mercy
Litany of the Bible
Litany of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

The litany is one form of prayer used in the liturgy of Christian churches. First of all expresses a plea or request for help of divine or sacred.

Litany - it is prayer. Prayer simple, but that does not mean that plate. Easy to recitation, singing. Thanks to pray the eyes and mouth, intellect and will. They pray for the man's feelings. Prayer litany embraces the whole person. It introduces him in meditation, which is extremely difficult, but indispensable in the development of the internal form of a conversation with Jesus.

The litany is a prayer in which God tells us "everything" about himself, recalled John Paul II. He talks about Jesus, the eternal plan of saving humanity and every human being, about his love for his "compassionate kindness for everyone, the need and the beauty of holiness, by the generosity of God in the giving out. The litany is a prayer portraits of the heroes of the Gospel, such as Jesus and Mary of Nazareth.

The litany is an intimate conversation. God reveals to man his heart. It turns out his obliging confidence. The man reciprocates his confidence from his side. In this conversation arises bond of friendship between the landowners and the inhabitants of heaven.

Litany of this divine instruction, as in the way of obedience to the commandments and the Gospel of the poor wyróść a man extraordinarily wealthy. Wealthy in this and in the next world. Rich in wealth and indestructible nieutracalne - the wealth of love!

LLitania this divine advice, how to find your way, the way and the means necessary for personal development. Develop, zmężnieć, consolidate. Due to the strong man weakling wyróść spirit.

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