Pius IX. knew these prayers and approved it on May 31, 1862, by having them considered as truthfully and to the great benefit for the salvation of souls.
It had long been the hl. Birgitta asked the Lord to tell her how many tricks he had received in his bitter sufferings. One day the Savior appeared and told her: ". I have received on my body 5480 pranks"
"If you adore this wilt, pray 15 Our Fathers and 15 Hail Mary during one year every day. And he taught the hl. Brigitta the 15 accompanying prayers. Is this year is over, you have worshiped each of 5480 wounds."
Then the Savior said, still: "Who during one year every day carries these prayers -
► will deliver 15 souls of his relatives from purgatory
► 15 Accessible from its relationship to receive the grace of perseverance
► 15 sinners of his kindred shall return.
► The person himself, which she prays will achieve the first stage of perfection. 15 days before her death, I will be their rich my precious body,
that she may be saved from eternal hunger by the same; I will give her to drink my Precious Blood, to save them from eternal thirst.
► 15 days before her death, she will receive a deep remorse and great knowledge of their sins.
► I make the sign of my victorious cross between them and the evil enemy, so that it remains protected from his snares.
► Before her death, I will come with my dear, beloved mother and receive their souls graciously and introduce them to the eternal joys. In heaven they will have a particular knowledge of my deity, which I which were to inform that do not perform these prayers. "
► If anyone even 30 years had been living in mortal sin, once devoutly these prayers performs or undertakes to perform for them, the Lord will forgive him all his sins and will defend him against all evil temptations.
► He keeps his five senses
► and saves him from a sudden and unpredicted death and his soul from eternal damnation.
► And everything he. God and St. Virgin requests it will grant him.
► Who these prayers also teaches others the joy and merits will last forever.
► At the place where you performed these prayers, God is present with His grace. "
It had long been the hl. Birgitta asked the Lord to tell her how many tricks he had received in his bitter sufferings. One day the Savior appeared and told her: ". I have received on my body 5480 pranks"
"If you adore this wilt, pray 15 Our Fathers and 15 Hail Mary during one year every day. And he taught the hl. Brigitta the 15 accompanying prayers. Is this year is over, you have worshiped each of 5480 wounds."
Then the Savior said, still: "Who during one year every day carries these prayers -
► will deliver 15 souls of his relatives from purgatory
► 15 Accessible from its relationship to receive the grace of perseverance
► 15 sinners of his kindred shall return.
► The person himself, which she prays will achieve the first stage of perfection. 15 days before her death, I will be their rich my precious body,
that she may be saved from eternal hunger by the same; I will give her to drink my Precious Blood, to save them from eternal thirst.
► 15 days before her death, she will receive a deep remorse and great knowledge of their sins.
► I make the sign of my victorious cross between them and the evil enemy, so that it remains protected from his snares.
► Before her death, I will come with my dear, beloved mother and receive their souls graciously and introduce them to the eternal joys. In heaven they will have a particular knowledge of my deity, which I which were to inform that do not perform these prayers. "
► If anyone even 30 years had been living in mortal sin, once devoutly these prayers performs or undertakes to perform for them, the Lord will forgive him all his sins and will defend him against all evil temptations.
► He keeps his five senses
► and saves him from a sudden and unpredicted death and his soul from eternal damnation.
► And everything he. God and St. Virgin requests it will grant him.
► Who these prayers also teaches others the joy and merits will last forever.
► At the place where you performed these prayers, God is present with His grace. "
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