Calculate your 3d print cost without any lackness.
This advanced calculator provides many specific cost calculations;
- Filament consuming cost
- Electricity cost during the print
- Add constants as a total monthly constants such as office rent, printer cost, post-processing etc.
Calculate the consuming costs depends on weight or length.
Print time based calculations help to get the more precise results.
Set profit percentages for each unit to manage your income without any effort.
Save the print with all the parameters and re-calculate from history.
This calculator is open to development and convenient to improve its calculation methods.
Please feel free to suggest your ideas.
This advanced calculator provides many specific cost calculations;
- Filament consuming cost
- Electricity cost during the print
- Add constants as a total monthly constants such as office rent, printer cost, post-processing etc.
Calculate the consuming costs depends on weight or length.
Print time based calculations help to get the more precise results.
Set profit percentages for each unit to manage your income without any effort.
Save the print with all the parameters and re-calculate from history.
This calculator is open to development and convenient to improve its calculation methods.
Please feel free to suggest your ideas.
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