Get a warning when you have gear on your roof with this handy free app! We all know someone who has done it or done it ourselves. We are driving home with our Bike, Kayak, Skis, Snowboards or Roof Rack on our car - when BAM, we run it into the garage and destroy our gear! This handy little app just needs a one time click to set your Home GPS location and then when you are returning to your garage it will alert when you are within 200 meters that you have forgotten about your equipment on the roof and save you from your next garage disaster.
How it works:
1) Launch it once at home and press 'Set Home Location' button
2) Launch it again when on your way home from the slopes, river or trail head. Close the app and the service continues to run in your alert bar.
3) When you are within 200 meters of your garage your phone will ring, vibrate and flash a message to alert you.
Disclaimer: Not responsible for monetary damage to life or property.
2012 All Rights Reserved - Apexice
How it works:
1) Launch it once at home and press 'Set Home Location' button
2) Launch it again when on your way home from the slopes, river or trail head. Close the app and the service continues to run in your alert bar.
3) When you are within 200 meters of your garage your phone will ring, vibrate and flash a message to alert you.
Disclaimer: Not responsible for monetary damage to life or property.
2012 All Rights Reserved - Apexice
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