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Maçonaria Virtual
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Grand Masonic Lodge of the State of Tocantins.
The roots of the Masonic Grand Lodge in the State of Tocantins, like those of the State itself, are in Goiás territory.

Created the State of Tocantins on October 5, 1988 and installed on January 1, 1989, the Serene Grand Master of the Grand Masonic Lodge of the State of Goiás, Respectable Brother Antônio Batista Xavier, in Memoria, on November 5 of the same year of 1989, issued Decree no. 032-87/90, creating the Tocantins Power.

This application was for its members to have an easier and faster access to some of the features available on the Store website, among them are:

1) Through the "Masonic Credential" menu, the "logged in" user will have access to their Mason card with their data.
2) Through the menu "Stores" the user will have access to a list with all the stores under "GLMET".
3) Through the menu "A GLMET" the user will have access to information such as, information about the origin of "GLMET", among others.
4) Through the menu "My Personal Data" the user "Logged in" has access to view and change their personal information.
5) Through the "Agenda" menu, the user has access to a list of events registered on the "GLMET" website.
6) Through the "Strategic View" menu, the "logged in" user has access to several graphics with GLMET data.
7) Through the menu "GLMET Masons" the user "Login" has access to a list with some contact data of the "GLMET Masons".
8) Through the "Messages" menu, the "logged in" user has access to messages that "GLMET" sends to its members.
9) Through the "Contact" menu the user has access to the "GLMET" contact information.

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