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كنوز kounoz

Mezghiche Aymen Apps
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10,000+ downloads

About كنوز kounoz

Kunooz application is your helper for goodness, your key to treasure God's pleasure and obtain His mercy.
Where he sets prayer times for you, so you will be among those who observe their prayers.
And it helps you to preserve your Qur’anic recitation and daily remembrances, so that you become among those who remember God standing, sitting, lying on their sides, and contemplating.
And he will open for you his rich library of books of forensic science, and are those who know and those who do not know equal?
We hope that the Lord accepts this blessed good deed from us and writes for us, for you and for everyone who participated in spreading this goodness, reward and blessing in this world and the Hereafter.
We intended this application as an ongoing charity for the late, God willing, Mahfouz Mahri and the late, God willing, Farida Belazouq, may God have mercy on them, and all other dead Muslims.

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