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Mezghiche Aymen Apps
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About JOOD

You come from work tired and need to buy clothes or shoes, but you don't want to go from store to store looking for what suits you, don't worry, we have the solution.

JOOD is the first 100% Algerian application that brings together all shopping centers and stores in one place.

Visit all the stores from home without moving and when you find the offer that suits you, move to the store or the mall to buy it directly.

In the JOOD app, you will find all categories ranging from clothing, shoes, cosmetics, accessories, sportswear and camping gear.

With JOOD visit all shopping centers in Algeria
Garden City - Park Mall - BAB EZOUAR Center - BEN AKNOUN Center - Mohamadia Mall - City Center - eSenia Mall - Ritaj Mall


JOOD Screenshots