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ادعية رمضان

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About ادعية رمضان

Ramadan supplications is an Islamic application in its content. The application contains the supplication of the blessed Ramadan, written, audible, and illustrated, with the aim of earning reward and reward through supplication in the month of Ramadan, so we will present to you a series of Ramadan supplications audible to a variety of famous preachers. The month of Ramadan has the Night of Power, which is the best. From a thousand months ago, a group of legitimate and proven supplications were received from the Prophet for the fasting person to supplicate in the blessed month of Ramadan. Supplication in the month of Ramadan has a great status, since the fasting person attains righteousness to what God Almighty has commanded the believers to do, so that supplications are heard and answered by God’s permission, so the Muslim should pray a lot in this blessed month in which God Almighty honors those who fast. For you, so that it may be a clear evidence of His generosity and favor over His servants, supplication has a great merit in the holy month of Ramadan. O near, I will answer the supplication of the supplicant if he supplicates....) So the Muslim should be careful to supplicate in this month in which Muslims compete for goodness in obedience, fasting and prayer. What a beautiful month of Ramadan!
Perhaps the supplication in this holy month is better than in any other. Therefore, we all strive to pray to God in order to obtain His pleasure, for that month was honored by God Almighty as a special honor in which He revealed the Noble Qur’an, where He Almighty said (the month of Ramadan in which the Qur’an was revealed, a guidance for people and clear proofs of guidance and the Criterion) The Night of Decree is the best night of the year, it is In the blessed month of Ramadan, and God Almighty singled it out for a surah in His Book by its name, which is Surat al-Qadr, and He indicated that the reward for its resurrection is better than obedience to a thousand months, and it has advantages over other nights with grace and blessing, and it is a blessed night in reward and reward. Destiny and many good deeds such as prayer. Supplication is one of the great deeds that a Muslim performs in the last ten days of Ramadan. God, on her authority, she said: (O Messenger of God, do you see that if I agree with the Night of Decree, what I supplicate? He said: You say: O God, You are pardoning and love to pardon, so pardon me).

Are you looking for supplications Ramadan?
Supplication is the brain of worship and is important in our lives, and it is an easy act of worship, just as in Ramadan supplication is answered and in Laylat al-Qadr when the angels descend, so increase your supplications on this night.
Supplication is one of the acts that are beloved to God Almighty and has a great status, and the biggest evidence for that is the opening and closing of the Qur’an with supplication. People take advantage of the blessed month of Ramadan by turning to worship, the most important of which is the supplication in which the fasting people ask for mercy and forgiveness from God Almighty, so in our application we present to you Ramadan supplications
God has blessed us by reaching the month of Ramadan and helped us in it to fast and pray, and pray and get closer to it more, and on these nights our Prophet called us to pray with blessed supplications to get closer to God, so that God forgives us for what we have done and what we have delayed.

The importance of the month of Ramadan
The month of Ramadan is an important month as it is considered the month of goodness and piety
Muslims fast from food and drink from sunrise to sunset. Fasting Ramadan is the fourth pillar of the pillars of Islam.
The month of Ramadan is the ninth month in the Hijri calendar, and it is distinguished among Muslims, in which the Qur’an was revealed to the Prophet on Laylat al-Qadr.

The virtue of the month of Ramadan
The blessed month of Ramadan is for fasting, praying, and reciting the Qur’an. It is the month of emancipation and forgiveness. It is the month of alms and charity, in which the gates of paradise are opened, and the good deeds are multiplied. The month of Ramadan has many virtues, including
God Almighty has made fasting the fourth pillar of Islam
God Almighty revealed the Qur’an
God made the Night of Power in it
God Almighty opens the gates of heaven
Fasting Ramadan is a reason for atonement of sins
Umrah in Ramadan equals Hajj
God has freed from the fire every night

The contents of the Ramadan prayers application
Audible supplications
Pictorial prayers
Ramadan phone wallpapers
Prayers for the fasting person in Ramadan
A prayer before breakfast
Suhoor prayer
Tarawih prayers
Every day a prayer
The importance of supplication and the secrets of its acceptance
Laylat al-Qadr supplications

Features of the application of Ramadan supplications
Small size application
Simple design and easy to use
The ability to share the application with friends
Pure and clear sound
Ramadan supplications application is free

I hope that you will like the application of Ramadan supplications in this holy month

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