The application of seeking forgiveness for everyone who disobeyed God and committed a sin against himself or others. The matter of seeking forgiveness with God is great and of great importance. The Almighty said: (And those who, when they commit an indecency or wrong themselves, remember God and ask forgiveness for their sins. And who forgives sins except God) Surat Al-Imran. as well as (
So I said forgive your Lord, that he was a forgiveness (10).
Here, God Almighty informs us of the importance of seeking forgiveness, so we must ask forgiveness and repeat the formulas of seeking forgiveness, as a servant is not without sins. And the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family, recommended seeking forgiveness by saying: (By God, I ask God’s forgiveness and repent to Him more than seventy times a day) Narrated by Al-Bukhari. not counted).
Asking for forgiveness is a request for forgiveness from God, may He be glorified and exalted, in the most beautiful phrases, with the request being associated with the name of God, and in it beseeching God,
And he resolved to repent now and in the future for all sins and transgressions and for everything that angers God.
Forgiveness also includes asking forgiveness for sins, another request, which is covering them up and leaving the punishment for them from God Almighty.
And there are benefits and wonders for those who need to seek forgiveness, including God’s satisfaction, bringing sustenance, peace of mind, acceptance of supplication, and expelling Satan.
Asking for forgiveness is desirable at all times, so you will find in this application a set of formulas, on top of which is the master of seeking forgiveness and its conditions, and the best times to seek forgiveness is after performing acts of worship, such as seeking forgiveness after prayer and others.
There is a difference between seeking forgiveness and repentance, so in our application we explained this difference to you. He clarified to you the impact of seeking forgiveness on aspects of a Muslim’s life, such as sustenance, marriage, and others, and what happens to the servant if he is required to seek forgiveness, which was the Sunnah of the Messenger, according to the Almighty’s saying (So glorify the praise of your Lord and ask His forgiveness, for He is ever forgiving) Surah An-Nasr is one of the lights that illuminates his life in this world and the Hereafter.
Here you will find a counter asking for forgiveness to increase the reward and reward with each request for forgiveness. As well as stories that show us the importance, impact, reward, and virtue of seeking forgiveness on our lives, and because of its wonders on changing aspects of life.
Features of the application of forgiveness
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Counter for forgiveness
And in conclusion, we must not let the pressures of life make us forget about seeking forgiveness and its grace, and God made this work for us and for you in the balance of our good deeds.
So I said forgive your Lord, that he was a forgiveness (10).
Here, God Almighty informs us of the importance of seeking forgiveness, so we must ask forgiveness and repeat the formulas of seeking forgiveness, as a servant is not without sins. And the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family, recommended seeking forgiveness by saying: (By God, I ask God’s forgiveness and repent to Him more than seventy times a day) Narrated by Al-Bukhari. not counted).
Asking for forgiveness is a request for forgiveness from God, may He be glorified and exalted, in the most beautiful phrases, with the request being associated with the name of God, and in it beseeching God,
And he resolved to repent now and in the future for all sins and transgressions and for everything that angers God.
Forgiveness also includes asking forgiveness for sins, another request, which is covering them up and leaving the punishment for them from God Almighty.
And there are benefits and wonders for those who need to seek forgiveness, including God’s satisfaction, bringing sustenance, peace of mind, acceptance of supplication, and expelling Satan.
Asking for forgiveness is desirable at all times, so you will find in this application a set of formulas, on top of which is the master of seeking forgiveness and its conditions, and the best times to seek forgiveness is after performing acts of worship, such as seeking forgiveness after prayer and others.
There is a difference between seeking forgiveness and repentance, so in our application we explained this difference to you. He clarified to you the impact of seeking forgiveness on aspects of a Muslim’s life, such as sustenance, marriage, and others, and what happens to the servant if he is required to seek forgiveness, which was the Sunnah of the Messenger, according to the Almighty’s saying (So glorify the praise of your Lord and ask His forgiveness, for He is ever forgiving) Surah An-Nasr is one of the lights that illuminates his life in this world and the Hereafter.
Here you will find a counter asking for forgiveness to increase the reward and reward with each request for forgiveness. As well as stories that show us the importance, impact, reward, and virtue of seeking forgiveness on our lives, and because of its wonders on changing aspects of life.
Features of the application of forgiveness
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Simple, attractive and easy-to-use design
Online content is constantly updated
Counter for forgiveness
And in conclusion, we must not let the pressures of life make us forget about seeking forgiveness and its grace, and God made this work for us and for you in the balance of our good deeds.
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