Calculator to determine the space to occupy within a conduit pipe according to "TABLE 4. Dimensions and percentage available for conductors in the area of the conduit tube NOM-001-SEDE-2012"
Scope of application:
- Calculation of all drivers.
- Calculation in 1/2 "pipe.
- Calculation in 3/4 "pipe.
- Result in tube filling percentages.
- Summary of calculated result.
- Nice graphical interface.
- Intuitive calculation method.
Recommended for field applications for installation technicians.
Scope of application:
- Calculation of all drivers.
- Calculation in 1/2 "pipe.
- Calculation in 3/4 "pipe.
- Result in tube filling percentages.
- Summary of calculated result.
- Nice graphical interface.
- Intuitive calculation method.
Recommended for field applications for installation technicians.
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