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студия фитнеса ЯГЕЛЬ

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About студия фитнеса ЯГЕЛЬ

YAGEL is a place where everyone can build their own fitness regime.
A team of professionals and amateurs of their craft has gathered here.
We conduct a variety of programs that will help you harmoniously develop your body.
We have strength and cardio workouts that will change your body proportions and improve your respiratory and cardiovascular health. Soft directions, such as YOGA, PILATES, PORTDEBRA, STRETCHING, SOMATICS, MEDITATION, DANCING in HAMOCKS, after which your movements will be light, free, and your breathing will be even and calm. DANCE direction that has a positive effect on posture and the entire body, revealing femininity and attractiveness.
Groups for THAI BOXING, general physical training (general physical training) and DANCING in HAMOCKS are open for children - we develop agility, strength, flexibility and endurance.
Training takes place in mini-groups, where attention is paid to each of you.
We select a suitable load taking into account your data and physical capabilities.

Please arrive 10 minutes before the start of training.

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