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Filsafat Kemanusiaan Dan keba

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About Filsafat Kemanusiaan Dan keba

Humanitarian Philosophy

Rame ing gawe sepi ing pamrih, memayu hayuning bawana. (Exactly working / helping selflessly, maintaining the universe / controlling lust)
Manungsa sadrema nglakoni, kadya wayang umpamane. (Humans just live as they are, like puppets)
Ati Suci marganing rahayu. (A pure heart becomes the path to mental and physical salvation)
Ngelmu is real, the work of recipe ati. (True knowledge, makes you feel at ease)
Ngudi is the main man of sentiment. (Live noble behavior with noble character)
Jer basuki mawa beya. (Every business needs costs)
Ala lan becik dumunung ana awake dhewe. (Evil and goodness lie within yourself)
Sing, how come you can tell others, I'm rich in girls. (Who forgets the good deeds of others, like animals)
Titikane aluhur, alusing solah the behavior of lan legawaning ati, darbe sipat is benevolent. (Characteristics of noble people are, their actions and mental attitudes are subtle, polite speech, spacious, and have a noble attitude of mind and character)
Downloading wohing pakarti. (People can accept the consequences of their own actions)
Ajining dhiri saka lathi lan budi. (The worth of personal self depends on the words and morals)

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