Receipty icon


Adrian Peirson
1+ downloads

About Receipty

There are lots of receipt applications on the play store, some of them are very good.
This one is kept as simple as possible.
It allows you to add an amount, and a recipient to an ongoing database.

The basic 'idea is you enter an amount, and a recipient, then copy that data
to an email or SMS app and send it to your recipient.
That way he has verification that he's paid you and you have a historical record
of what's been paid.

You can search, randomly through the database.
You can copy an individual receipt, or the entire database in to the clip board.
From there you can paste it into an SMS or email for sending to a recipient.

The App does NOT request access to your SMS / Phone / or Email contacts,
you the user must activate those apps.

Hopefully this will keep privacy advocates, the eu and the play store happy.

Once copied, it is then up to the user to fire up his or her SMS or Email or Spreadsheet, Word app and paste in the copied entry or entries.

His and your mobile numbers act as some sort of verification,
IE the email or SMS phone numbers validate sender and recipient.

He could send himself a receipt, then claim it's from you and he's paid you already,
but how is he going to send it from your phone ?

You in turn, could use a different phone to send him a receipt,
then go back to your regular one and claim he didn't pay you,
so the system is not foolproof.

Hopefully you're not dealing with people like that.

Hopefully the App is very self explanatory.

There should be room for well over a thousand receipts on the App.
Currently, there is no way to delete the Database, other than to uninstall the app.

That's an easy update and most people are not going to use up the space.

I believe the clipboard can hold well over 100,000 Characters


That links suggests over 200k, if we go for 100k and assume on average 100 Characters per receipt, then that gives us at least 1000 receipts.

In any event, I'd suggest regular copies be made of your Database so you don't
lose vital receipts.

If people want an option to delete individual entries, or even the entire database, than that
can easily be added as an option,

I didn't want people accidentally deleting what might be important data.
Un Installing the App and re installing is a very deliberate act so can't be done accidentally.

Dates are added automatically, to save time,
find the recipient in the database,
fill in the new amount, delete the old date and time and simply select 'Add to DB'

If you forget to delete the old date and time,
it doesn't matter, the app will simply append the new date and time to
the end of that entry.

If there are enough users, a future update will allow the user to delete a single entry or the entire database.
Also an alphabetic search, eg, Search for all receipts sent to 'Dave' etc.

I've kept the app as simple as possible, so fewer things can go wrong, and to address
privacy concerns and for ease of use.

I believe it's a rather self explanatory app kept as simple as possible for quick operation and ease of use.
A very simple use for this app might be in the case of a rent man, collecting rent from tenants.
The tenant pays the rent, the rent man records it into the app and stores the data.
The data is automatically copied to the clip board, the rent man then pastes the data in to an SMS or Email and sends a copy to the tenant as his receipt.

Over to your guys to try and break it :)

Icons from IconArchive
App created using AppyInventor

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