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Adrian Peirson
100+ downloads

About VoiceCommands

Voice control for smart devices is now pretty common,
Eg, Alexa, get me the latest news.

However, suppose we have a regular set of commands we need
to issue each day, or at certain times of the day,
And we'd like these issued automatically, perhaps using a spare android phone.

9:00am Alexa, set the bedroom light to 100%
9:01am Alexa, Get me the latest news
9:05am Alexa, what's the latest tech news
9:15am Alexa, play the Spanish podcast
9:20am Alexa, what's the weather today
9:21am Alexa, play the XXXXX Podcast

You might have several such sequences you might run at different
times of the day,
Maybe a morning routine, and an evening set of commands you
want after work, or a podcast or book at bedtime.

Maybe a different podcast each day.

Maybe a different set of instructions for the weekend.

So the idea is you program these voice commands into your phone to
be issued at set times during the day.

Ideally, this might work best on a spare phone you place next to your voice controlled
smart device, eg, a google home mini, or an Alexa device.

Potential problems,

Coded using MIT AppInventor / Kodular.
On some devices, you need to keep the app in the foreground with the
screen on and since the spare device will need to be left permanently
on, then it will need a charger device.

Google playstore says this App needs access to Wifi and Network
actually, it doesn't and once downloaded and installed,
the App can be run in airplane mode which should save battery.

Although I get good voice recognition from my phone, your situation might be
different, if you encounter problems with voice recognition,
you could try downloading a new voice for your phone,
altering the volume and speed of the voice.

Obviously any background noise might affect the ability of your smart device to
respond correctly to Voice commands issued by your phone.

If there's enough interest, I might spend some time trying to
use a text document to type the commands in to,
then the app can simply read in the commands from the document rather
than the user having to type them in manually for each command.

for this Demo version, only Twenty commands are allowed,
a paid version will be released shortly, allowing unlimited commands.

VoiceCommands Screenshots