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ترجمة المختصرات الطبية الأكثر

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About ترجمة المختصرات الطبية الأكثر

Learn the meanings of more than 1140 of the most frequently used English medical abbreviations translated into Arabic.

You can now know the meanings of all medical abbreviations in Arabic and English through this exclusive application<

- The content and design of this application was developed by students to meet the needs of doctors, nurses and nursing assistants
- We make the app as simple as possible to allow the learner to focus only on the content
The flashcards are intended for everyday use and designed to promote quick memorization
- The application is designed to allow you to gain time and efficiency
- The format of flashcards enhances the ease of understanding to ensure a higher score in the exam.

Main features:

- 6 study modes
Shareable content
- Settings: With flexibility to change font size and control background
In this application you will get more than 20 exam sets.

To ensure general protection, each nursing board requires a licensing candidate to pass the appropriate NCLEX exam, the NCLEX-RN for registered nurses and the NCLEX-PN for occupational or practical nurses. The NCLEX exams are designed to test essential knowledge, skills, and abilities for safe and effective entry-level nursing practice.
National Association of Nursing Pre-Entry Examination (NLN PAX-RN/PN)
Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS)
Health Professions Basic Entrance Test (HOBET)
HESI A2 . Exam
Psychological Services Office Record Nursing School Proficiency Exam
Preparing the Psychological Services Office for the Nursing Practical Exam

This educational and medical app is for NP, CNA, PAX, RN and also for:
ANP - Adult Nurse Practitioner
FNP - Family Nurse
A-GNP - Senior Adult Nurse Practitioner
ANP-BC Adult Nurse Practitioner
Family Nurse Practitioner FNP-BC
PNP-BC . Pediatric Nurse Practitioner
Acute Care Nurse Practitioner ACNP-BC
GNP - BC Gerontology Nurse Practitioner
PMHNP-BC Adult Mental Health Nurse Practitioner
PMHNP-BC Family Psychiatry and Mental Health Nurse Practitioner
And also for USMLE, COMLEX, ANCC Certification Center, TEAS, HESI A2, NET, DET, PSB/HOAE, PAX-RN, HOBET, PAX RN, PSB. Hestotechnician, phlebotomist, CDM, hospice and analgesic, medical surgery.
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